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The brief history of the demoscene}, year = {2005}, volume = {1}, publisher = {CSW Verlag}, ISBN = {3-9810494-0-3} } @article{Rehn2004, author = {Alf Rehn}, title = {The politics of contraband --- The honor economies of the warez scene}, year = {2004}, journal = {Journal of Socio-Economics}, number = {33}, pages = {359--374} } @inbook{Reunanen2009, author = {Markku Reunanen and Antti Silvast}, title = {Demoscene Platforms: A Case Study on the Adoption of Home Computers}, editor = {John Impagliazzo and Timo J{\"a}rvi and Petri Paju}, booktitle = {History of Nordic Computing 2}, year = {2009}, pages = {289--301}, publisher = {Springer}, ISBN = {978-3-642-03756-6} } @mastersthesis{Roininen1998, author = {Tarja Roininen}, title = {Demoscene: ett{\"a} tietyt aineettomat arvot ja tavat yhdist{\"a}v{\"a}t joukkoa ihmisi{\"a}}, year = {1998}, school = {Lapin yliopisto} } @article{Saarikoski2001a, author = {Petri Saarikoski}, title = {Valtavirtaa vastaan --- demoscene suomalaisen kotimikroilun historiassa}, year = {2001}, journal = {L{\"a}hikuva}, number = {3}, pages = {54--65} } @misc{Saarikoski2001b, author = {Petri Saarikoski}, title = {Pioneerien leluista kulutuselektroniikaksi. Suomalainen kotimikroharrastus tietotekniikan murroksessa 1980-luvun alusta 1990-luvun puoliv{\"a}liin}, year = {2001}, note = {Lisensiaattity{\"o}, Turun yliopisto} } @phdthesis{Saarikoski2004, author = {Petri Saarikoski}, title = {Koneen lumo. Mikrotietokoneharrastus Suomessa 1970-luvulta 1990-luvun puoliv{\"a}liin}, year = {2004}, school = {Turun yliopisto} } @inbook{Saarikoski2009, author = {Petri Saarikoski and Jaakko Suominen}, title = {Pelinautintoja, ohjelmointiharrastusta ja liiketoimintaa. Tietokoneharrastuksen ja peliteollisuuden suhde Suomessa toisen maailmansodan j{\"a}lkeen}, editor = {Jaakko Suominen and Raine Koskimaa and Frans M{\"a}yr{\"a} and Olli Sotamaa}, booktitle = {Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2009}, year = {2009}, pages = {16--33}, publisher = {Tampereen yliopisto}, ISBN = {978-951-44-7748-5} } @inproceedings{Scheib2002, author = {Vincent Scheib and Theo Engell-Nielsen and Saku Lehtinen and Eric Haines and Phil Taylor}, title = {The Demo Scene}, booktitle = {SIGGRAPH'02: ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 conference abstracts and applications}, year = {2002}, pages = {96--97}, location = {San Antonio, Texas}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, ISBN = {1-58113-525-4} } @article{Scholz2007a, author = {Alexander Scholz}, title = {Iconoclash. Opium for the masses}, year = {2007}, journal = {SCEEN}, number = {2}, pages = {50--56} } @article{Scholz2007b, author = {Alexander Scholz}, title = {Teenyweenyfantastikum. 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