Archive for April, 2014

Individual WiderScreen 1–2/2014 papers

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

Individual WiderScreen articles will start appearing on the bibliography little by little. Here’s the complete list of what can be expected.

  1. Patryk Wasiak: “Amis and Euros.” Software Import and Contacts Between European and American Cracking Scenes
  2. Markku Reunanen: How Those Crackers Became Us Demosceners
  3. Doreen Hartmann: Animation in the Demoscene. From Obfuscation to Category (Or: How to Demonstrate Skills without Adhering to the Real-Time Principle).
  4. Canan Hastik: Demo Age: New Views
  5. Marilou Polymeropoulou: Chipmusic, Fakebit and the Discourse of Authenticity in the Chipscene
  6. Markku Reunanen: Four Kilobyte Art
  7. Ville-Matias Heikkilä: Käsittämättömät koodirivit musiikkina: bytebeat ja demoskenen tekninen kokeellisuus
  8. Jaakko Kemppainen: Flash-demoskene: Reaaliaikaisten verkkoanimaatioiden esiinnousu ja hiipuminen


WiderScreen thematic issue out!

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

WiderScreen 1–2/2014 is a special thematic issue that deals with various scenes, such as the cracker, demo and chip music scene. Me and Antti have just finished editing the journal and now it’s available online (open access). We will add the individual articles a bit later after recovering from the crunch, but in any case, there should be plenty of interesting papers for you to read behind the link.

Assembly article by Tyni & Sotamaa

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

GAME – The Italian Journal of Game Studies – has published Heikki Tyni’s and Olli Sotamaa’s article Assembling a Game Development Scene? Uncovering Finland’s Largest Demo Party.